TLS Configuration

Goma Gateway allows you to define global TLS certificates for securing routes.

These certificates are used to encrypt traffic between clients and the gateway.

Keys Configuration

You can define a list of TLS certificates for the routes using the following keys:

  • cert (string):
    Specifies the TLS certificate. This can be provided as:
    • A file path to the certificate.
    • Raw certificate content.
    • A base64-encoded certificate.
  • key (string):
    Specifies the private key corresponding to the TLS certificate. This can be provided as:
    • A file path to the private key.
    • Raw private key content.
    • A base64-encoded private key.

Example Configuration

Below is an example of how to configure global TLS certificates for your routes:

version: 2
  tls:  # Global TLS configuration for the gateway
    keys:  # List of TLS certificates and private keys
      - cert: /path/to/certificate.crt  # File path to the TLS certificate
        key: /path/to/private.key  # File path to the private key
      - cert: LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBQUklWQVRFIEtFWS0tLS...  # Base64-encoded certificate
        key:  LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBQUklWQVRFIEtFWS0tLS...  # Base64-encoded private key
      - cert: |  # Raw certificate content (PEM format)
          -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
            <certificate content>
          -----END CERTIFICATE-----
        key: |  # Raw private key content (PEM format)
          -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
             <private-key content>
          -----END PRIVATE KEY-----
    - path: /
      name: secure route
      rewrite: /
      methods: []
        - endpoint:
      cors: {}