
The Gateway serves as the entry point to the server, handling and routing incoming traffic.

Installation Details

When a Gateway is installed, it automatically creates the following Kubernetes resources, all with the same name as the Gateway:

  • Service
  • ConfigMap
  • Deployment

Service Ports

The service exposes the following ports:

  • HTTP: 8080
  • HTTPS: 8443

Exposing the Gateway Outside the Cluster

To expose your Gateway outside the cluster, you have the following options:

  1. Create an Ingress resource:
    Configure an Ingress to route external traffic to your Gateway.

  2. Change the Service Type:
    Patch the Gateway’s service to change its type (e.g., to LoadBalancer or NodePort) for external accessibility.

A simple example of gateway

## Gateway
kind: Gateway
   name: gateway-sample
   # Goma Gateway image (default: jkaninda/goma-gateway)
   imageName: jkaninda/goma-gateway:latest #
   ## Server Configuration
      tls: # Optional: Specify a Kubernetes TLS secret name
         keys: []
           # - tlsSecretName: tls-secret
           # - tlsSecretName: tls-secret2
         addr: '' # Optional: Redis host (e.g., redis:6379)
         password: '' # Optional: Redis password
      writeTimeout: 10 # Request write timeout in seconds
      readTimeout: 15  # Request read timeout in seconds
      idleTimeout: 30  # Idle timeout in seconds
      logLevel: info   # Logging level (e.g., info, debug, warn, error)
      disableHealthCheckStatus: false # Enable or disable health check status
      disableKeepAlive: false         # Enable or disable KeepAlive connections
      enableMetrics: true             # Enable Prometheus metrics for monitoring

   ## Scaling and Resource Management
   replicaCount: 1 # Number of initial replicas
         cpu: 200m    # Maximum CPU allocation
         memory: 512Mi # Maximum memory allocation
         cpu: 100m    # Minimum CPU allocation
         memory: 128Mi # Minimum memory allocation
      enabled: true # Enable Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
      minReplicas: 2 # Minimum number of replicas
      maxReplicas: 5 # Maximum number of replicas
      targetCPUUtilizationPercentage: 80 # Target CPU utilization
      targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage: 80 # Target memory utilization

   ## Node Affinity
   affinity: {}