Configuration reference

Backup, restore and migrate targets, schedule and retention are configured using environment variables or flags.

CLI utility Usage

Options Shorts Usage
pg-bkup bkup CLI utility
backup   Backup database operation
restore   Restore database operation
migrate   Migrate database from one instance to another one
–storage -s Storage. local or s3 (default: local)
–file -f File name for restoration
–path   AWS S3 path without file name. eg: /custom_path or ssh remote path /home/foo/backup
–dbname -d Database name
–port -p Database port (default: 5432)
–mode -m Execution mode. default or scheduled (default: default)
–disable-compression   Disable database backup compression
–prune   Delete old backup, default disabled
–keep-last   Delete old backup created more than specified days ago, default 7 days
–period   Crontab period for scheduled mode only. (default: “0 1 * * *”)
–help -h Print this help message and exit
–version -V Print version information and exit

Environment variables

Name Requirement Description
DB_PORT Optional, default 5432 Database port number
DB_HOST Required Database host
DB_NAME Optional if it was provided from the -d flag Database name
DB_USERNAME Required Database user name
DB_PASSWORD Required Database password
AWS_ACCESS_KEY Optional, required for S3 storage AWS S3 Access Key
AWS_SECRET_KEY Optional, required for S3 storage AWS S3 Secret Key
AWS_BUCKET_NAME Optional, required for S3 storage AWS S3 Bucket Name
AWS_BUCKET_NAME Optional, required for S3 storage AWS S3 Bucket Name
AWS_REGION Optional, required for S3 storage AWS Region
AWS_DISABLE_SSL Optional, required for S3 storage Disable SSL
FILE_NAME Optional if it was provided from the –file flag Database file to restore (extensions: .sql, .sql.gz)
GPG_PASSPHRASE Optional, required to encrypt and restore backup GPG passphrase
BACKUP_CRON_EXPRESSION Optional if it was provided from the –period flag Backup cron expression for docker in scheduled mode
SSH_HOST_NAME Optional, required for SSH storage ssh remote hostname or ip
SSH_USER Optional, required for SSH storage ssh remote user
SSH_PASSWORD Optional, required for SSH storage ssh remote user’s password
SSH_IDENTIFY_FILE Optional, required for SSH storage ssh remote user’s private key
SSH_PORT Optional, required for SSH storage ssh remote server port
SSH_REMOTE_PATH Optional, required for SSH storage ssh remote path (/home/toto/backup)
TARGET_DB_HOST Optional, required for database migration Target database host
TARGET_DB_PORT Optional, required for database migration Target database port
TARGET_DB_NAME Optional, required for database migration Target database name
TARGET_DB_USERNAME Optional, required for database migration Target database username
TARGET_DB_PASSWORD Optional, required for database migration Target database password
TG_TOKEN Optional, required for Telegram notification Telegram token
TG_CHAT_ID Optional, required for Telegram notification Telegram Chat ID

Run in Scheduled mode

This image can be run as CronJob in Kubernetes for a regular backup which makes deployment on Kubernetes easy as Kubernetes has CronJob resources. For Docker, you need to run it in scheduled mode by adding --mode scheduled flag and specify the periodical backup time by adding --period "0 1 * * *" flag.

Syntax of crontab (field description)

The syntax is:

  • 1: Minute (0-59)
  • 2: Hours (0-23)
  • 3: Day (0-31)
  • 4: Month (0-12 [12 == December])
  • 5: Day of the week(0-7 [7 or 0 == sunday])

Easy to remember format:

* * * * * command to be executed
- - - - -
| | | | |
| | | | ----- Day of week (0 - 7) (Sunday=0 or 7)
| | | ------- Month (1 - 12)
| | --------- Day of month (1 - 31)
| ----------- Hour (0 - 23)
------------- Minute (0 - 59)

At every 30th minute

*/30 * * * *

“At minute 0.” every hour

0 * * * *

“At 01:00.” every day

0 1 * * *