Configuration Reference

Backup, restore, and migration targets, schedules, and retention policies are configured using environment variables or CLI flags.

CLI Utility Usage

Option Short Flag Description
pg-bkup bkup CLI utility for managing PostgreSQL backups.
backup   Perform a backup operation.
restore   Perform a restore operation.
migrate   Migrate a database from one instance to another.
--storage -s Storage type (local, s3, ssh, etc.). Default: local.
--file -f File name for restoration.
--path   Path for storage (e.g., /custom_path for S3 or /home/foo/backup for SSH).
--config -c Configuration file for multi database backup. (e.g: /backup/config.yaml).
--dbname -d Database name.
--port -p Database port. Default: 3306.
--disable-compression   Disable compression for database backups.
--cron-expression -e Cron expression for scheduled backups (e.g., 0 0 * * * or @daily).
--help -h Display help message and exit.
--version -V Display version information and exit.

Environment Variables

Name Requirement Description
DB_PORT Optional (default: 3306) Database port number.
DB_HOST Required Database host.
DB_NAME Optional (if provided via -d flag) Database name.
DB_USERNAME Required Database username.
DB_PASSWORD Required Database password.
AWS_ACCESS_KEY Required for S3 storage AWS S3 Access Key.
AWS_SECRET_KEY Required for S3 storage AWS S3 Secret Key.
AWS_BUCKET_NAME Required for S3 storage AWS S3 Bucket Name.
AWS_REGION Required for S3 storage AWS Region.
AWS_DISABLE_SSL Optional Disable SSL for S3 storage.
AWS_FORCE_PATH_STYLE Optional Force path-style access for S3 storage.
FILE_NAME Optional (if provided via --file) File name for restoration (e.g., .sql, .sql.gz).
GPG_PASSPHRASE Optional GPG passphrase for encrypting/decrypting backups.
GPG_PUBLIC_KEY Optional GPG public key for encrypting backups (e.g., /config/public_key.asc).
BACKUP_CRON_EXPRESSION Optional (flag -e) Cron expression for scheduled backups.
BACKUP_RETENTION_DAYS Optional Delete backups older than the specified number of days.
BACKUP_CONFIG_FILE Optional (flag -c) Configuration file for multi database backup. (e.g: /backup/config.yaml)
SSH_HOST Required for SSH storage SSH remote hostname or IP.
SSH_USER Required for SSH storage SSH remote username.
SSH_PASSWORD Optional SSH remote user’s password.
SSH_IDENTIFY_FILE Optional SSH remote user’s private key.
SSH_PORT Optional (default: 22) SSH remote server port.
REMOTE_PATH Required for SSH/FTP storage Remote path (e.g., /home/toto/backup).
FTP_HOST Required for FTP storage FTP hostname.
FTP_PORT Optional (default: 21) FTP server port.
FTP_USER Required for FTP storage FTP username.
FTP_PASSWORD Required for FTP storage FTP user password.
TARGET_DB_HOST Required for migration Target database host.
TARGET_DB_PORT Optional (default: 5432) Target database port.
TARGET_DB_NAME Required for migration Target database name.
TARGET_DB_USERNAME Required for migration Target database username.
TARGET_DB_PASSWORD Required for migration Target database password.
TARGET_DB_URL Optional Target database URL in JDBC URI format.
TG_TOKEN Required for Telegram notifications Telegram token (BOT-ID:BOT-TOKEN).
TG_CHAT_ID Required for Telegram notifications Telegram Chat ID.
TZ Optional Time zone for scheduling.
AZURE_STORAGE_CONTAINER_NAME Required for Azure Blob Storage Azure storage container name.
AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME Required for Azure Blob Storage Azure storage account name.
AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY Required for Azure Blob Storage Azure storage account key.

Scheduled Backups

Running in Scheduled Mode

  • Docker: Use the --cron-expression flag or the BACKUP_CRON_EXPRESSION environment variable to schedule backups.
  • Kubernetes: Use a CronJob resource for scheduled backups.

Cron Syntax

The cron syntax consists of five fields:

* * * * * command
Field Description Values
Minute Minute of the hour 0-59
Hour Hour of the day 0-23
Day of Month Day of the month 1-31
Month Month of the year 1-12
Day of Week Day of the week (0 = Sunday) 0-7


  • Every 30 minutes: */30 * * * *
  • Every hour at minute 0: 0 * * * *
  • Every day at 1:00 AM: 0 1 * * *

Predefined Schedules

Entry Description Equivalent To
@yearly (or @annually) Run once a year, midnight, Jan. 1st 0 0 1 1 *
@monthly Run once a month, midnight, first of month 0 0 1 * *
@weekly Run once a week, midnight between Sat/Sun 0 0 * * 0
@daily (or @midnight) Run once a day, midnight 0 0 * * *
@hourly Run once an hour, beginning of hour 0 * * * *


You can also schedule backups at fixed intervals using the format:

@every <duration>
  • Example: @every 1h30m10s runs the backup every 1 hour, 30 minutes, and 10 seconds.